Thursday, November 13, 2008

Well right now I have a little more time on my hands than I had before, so I put this slide show together. This is the rest of the portraits that I had done for my senior. She had told me she is having a hard time choosing which ones she wants. I can't even choose which one is my favorite.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

October Senior

October is not only the season of football and Halloween, but a great time to add color to your Senior Portraits. With the colors of red and gold you get warmth to your portrait you will not see in a studio or in any other seasonal portrait session.
I had the joy in photographing a girl who I had not seen since she was 2 or 3 yrs old. When I got a call from her Mom that she wanted to have her Senior Portrait taken, I almost fell off my chair. It is hard to believe that 15 years or so had passed by that fast.
This session took place at the Marion Square and the ally across the street. When I take outdoor portraits I like to choose area that has character and complements the subject. I feel that I have achieved this with the round of portraits above. It was hard to choose a favorite portrait so I put the three that has caught my eye so far. Even with the pressure of an audience of her Mom and boyfriend she performed flawlessly giving me a lot of great smiles and always flashing her expressive eyes. The fall colors are rich and the poses are simple and that is what draws me to each of these portraits. I don’t like to work with a complex lighting set up, but instead I like using the background light, shadows and a reflector to capture the subject in the portrait.
I had a lot of fun taking these portraits and love the way they turned out. She has grown up and changed from a cute little girl to a beautiful young lady. If want to see more take a look at my web site and see more examples of past and current seniors that I have taken.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

A Beautiful Day for a Wedding

Congratulations to Tyler and Alicia on tying the knot on Saturday Aug 30th. The couple’s ceremony was held outdoors in Solon at “The Barn”. The weather was beautiful with bright skies, cool temperatures, and a light breeze. The main round barn is not quite finished but where the ceremony took place, an arch made of limestone blocks stood as a picture window looking over the large pond surrounded by small woodland. The area stands as a natural amphitheater with a brick deck surrounded by limestone ledges and steps that lead to the large round barn. There are four other barns just down the road. One is an old red round maintenance barn and 3 limestone round barns. Torches lined the path to guide you to the one of the three barns is where the reception took place.
I felt that I witnessed a truly blessed event. With their family and friends at their side they took their vows and pledged their love before all to behold. From the moment they first saw each other dressed and for the rest of the day until I left you could see that they were in love. You could see they had a hard time refraining from smiling or gazing at each other. They were truly a happy, loving couple for all to see.
I really enjoyed myself while I was taking the portraits. Early in the photo session one of the bridesmaids found a small frog. I got a photo of the frog and the bridesmaid together. I don’t think she kissed the frog because we did not see a prince that no one could account for. We later discovered that we were surrounded by the small amphibians as they made their way through the grassy field to the large pond. The bridesmaids and bride had parasols for the portraits. The bridesmaids had lavender while the bride had white. The lavender made a great background on a portrait of the bride and really stood out against the red barn in another.
I would also like to take this moment to give a big thank you to Dawn for helping me out on this wedding. Not only did she give me the use of her camera, but was my “Patsy “to me. It would have been very hard for me to get the portraits I got if Dawn did not lend a hand. Thank you once again.
I would like to thank Tyler and Alicia for the privilege of taking your wedding portraits. Best wishes for the two of you and have a wonderful honeymoon. We will see you soon with the prints from your special day, I can’t wait.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

The Big Day

Today is the big day for Tyler and Alicia. I attended their rehearsel last night and had a great time. It was a beautiful night with temperatures holding around the upper seventies. The bugs surprisingly scarce and I hope that this trend continues. I am so excited about taking the portraits and I am sure they are too. I extend my best wishes out to you, Alicia and Tyler.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Around the Bush

This past Saturday I was outside washing my wife’s car when I noticed that these butterflies were persistently hanging around our butterfly bushes. So quickly I got my digital PHD camera and returned to take their portraits. I was not entirely sure that once I returned that they would be there but there they were, still flying around the bushes. If anyone who has tried to photograph butterflies knows that once you have spooked them from their flower they rarely return. So with the camera on and the lens extended out I began to stalk the winged creatures. I was again surprised on how long they put up with my presents around them. I shot a dozen photos of each butterfly. After they had their fill of nectar and my shenanigans they took off. Later that night I edited the photos and created what you see here.

Besides taking portraits I am love to just pick up the camera and photograph something that catches my eye. I feel that it gives me a new challenge and a new way of looking at things, which only sharpens my portrait skills in the end. I hope you enjoy the portraits and if you have any questions about them, feel free to e-mail me or comment on them.

This weekend I will be taking Alicia and Tyler’s wedding portraits so keep an eye on the blog for their wonder portraits. I can’t wait!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

My Nephews

My sister and nephews come to Iowa from Washington State last week to visit. Like a good uncle I took their portraits while they were here. I went out to Marion and used some of the alleys and store fronts as backdrops. I normally like to venture down town to take portraits in the alleys, but with the flooding that had occurred earlier this year I have had to venture out to find other area to use. I am glad I did because it pushed me out of my comfort zone and I think we had a great session because of that. Here are some portraits that came out of that session.
If you are looking for something different then look around to places you have been before. What I mean by that is; parks and studios are great places to have portraits done but they are not the only place. If you are looking for something different then look around at the places you spend time at or pass by each day. The store fronts in Marion were just the place for us, but maybe you prefer some of the shop fronts in down town Cedar Rapids. Perhaps your family spends some morning time at a little java joint with a warm atmosphere? Just remember anywhere could be a great place to use for a family portrait, all you have to do is ask your portrait photographer. If they are up for a challenge and the store owner is ok with the portrait session then be ready for great portraits.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Congratulations Adam and Courtney

I had the privilege to photography Adam and Courtney’s wedding a few weeks ago. Today was an exciting day because I got to hand their proofs off to them. I picked out a few that I loved and I am sure they will love them too. This wedding was the first one that I used this muslin background and I must say I love how it turned out. I traditionally photograph the bride and groom in the sanitary but other than the beautiful stain glass there was not a lot point of interests that would make a good background. I had suggested the background and I am glad that I did. My favorite portraits are the horizontal bride alone, groom alone, and bride groom together. I whipped up the collage at the last minute. I really like the black and white version of the church. I think that the clouds and church really pop against the black sky.
Well the day was perfect and I enjoyed myself while I took the portraits. Courtney was lovely and Adam was all smiles when she came down the aisle. The flower girl and ring bearer look smart and did a great job.
I hope you enjoy the photos.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Congratulations Jennifer!

I just wanted to give congratulations to Jennifer on her graduation from high school! I had a great time taking her Senior portraits this year. I have posted one image that had not made it to my website. This image was created out of two that were taken early in her Senior Session. I used this image, along with many others seen on the website, in her 9x6 soft cover book as well as her DVD with music. I hope that Jennifer has fun this summer and good luck next year at school

Adam and Courtney Engagment Session

Last weekend I had the pleasure of taking engagement portraits of Adam and Courtney along with their two sons. The day was just right to create portraits around the beautiful Cedar Memorial landscape. I have posted just a few of the many portraits taken that day. I really enjoyed the session and I am looking forward to the wedding session this July. Enjoy the portraits.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

This one is on me.

I have just finalized a new add on to my wedding packages that I think that brides will be interested in, dance lesions. Yes you read that right, dance lesions. These lesions are for aimed at the beginners but anyone at any skill level can take part in the lesion. So why dance lesson?

Well I have photographed many weddings in the past 10 years and one of the most common things to occur in the reception is the traditional bride and groom dance. Most of the dances I have seen have been the rocking side to side type of dance. Now think about it, you have put all this time and effort, well the bride has, to make this the most memorable day and your first dance you do together is rocking side to side? Why not a simple waltz, or a rumba? Going back to memory of my past receptions I do recall two couples that made their first dance a simple ballroom dance, and everyone was impressed. In fact that was the talk of the night and most likely the days to follow. I bet a lot of guys were asked to take dance lessons after that.

What can you expect from the lessons? Well these lesions are just to teach you the basics in your choice of dance. You will not be learning a choreographed number like the ones on “Dances with the Stars.” No you will be learning on how to do the steps of the dance you choose and how to dance in a group.

Now any groom that is reading this or hearing about this for the first time will have a look of panic on their face. That is understandable. Speaking from experience when my wife took me to an intro dance party I was not very happy to be there, but she is my wife and I wanted to spend more time with her so I went. When I was asked “why don’t I like to dance?” The answer was just the same as the rest of the men there, “I don’t want to look foolish trying to dance.” Some thought that they might look like, will less manly. Just rent the movie “Take the lead” and watch Antonio Banderas perform a Tango with his dance partner. If that is not manly I do not know manly. That Tango he preforms makes my wife weak kneaded. Reassure them that the dance lessons are easy, that they will be able to pick up the steps in no time, and best of all, they will be in control of you (the bride). Brides, you can always resort to this line “Think of dancing as foreplay.” You would not be lying. Well in my experience with dance.
So when you book a wedding with me ask about my complementary dance lessons. They are fun, and they are free in the majority of my premier packages

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

New Products

Well since the last entry on this blog I have new products to offer. So without too much fan fair here they are.

Table top books: The books come in 3 different sizes; 8x10, 9x6, and 12.5x10. The books come with a customized cover of your image which is an alternative to a standard cover with nothing on it. You are able to order the book in addition to any package I offer or receive it free in my more popular packages. The 9x6 size book is a soft cover book. You can choose from a Matte or Simi-Gloss paper for the interior pages and a Smooth, Linen or Pearl paper for the book cover. Create a Table top book from your next portrait session; they will make a great conversational piece on your coffee table.

DVD’s of your portrait session or wedding is the second product. They are great gifts to family living near and far. Sending portraits through the mail can be a hassle and you’re never sure what size of portrait your family or friends want, so why not a DVD? Your DVD is in a customized CD or DVD case with your portrait on the front and on the DVD. An alternative to the cases are our 5x5 or 6 panel accordion card that hold your DVD of your wedding or portrait session. Each cover as well as the inner portraits is custom made from your session with me by using the portraits you want.

Next are the cards with your portrait. Send greetings, best wishes, and happy holidays or use them as graduation announcements for your senior. Not to mention putting your favorite wedding portrait on the front and a message of appreciation after the wedding. The cards are 5.5x4.5 and come in a smooth, water color, linen or pearl finish. Each panel can contain a portrait or a message to your recipients. We can even leave one panel blank so you can hand write a personal note. The greeting cards come in a bundle of 25 with envelopes. Return address on upper left hand corner can be printed on each envelope with a minimum charge.

I know it seems too soon to talk about the holidays and especially after the long winter we have experienced that does not want to seem to end. This year I have holiday cards to offer. They are the slim line card that has the portrait inset on a holiday greeting. Now you don’t need a Christmas time to get these cards you can have them as announcements such as graduation or baby announcements, holidays other than the Christmas, or even as thank you cards. It is another great way to share your portraits with family and friends.

The last new item is not a product but a new way of helping to preserve your enlargements so they last for years to come. All of the portraits that come from my studio that are 8x10 and larger will now be mounted on an archival foam core board. What makes it archival is the fact the board has no acids in the board. No acids, no turning the print colors or fading the colors. I have thought about this for the past month and felt in the interest of you, the customer, it would be better to mount the portraits than to leave them unprotected and subject to bends, folds and creases. All portraits once mounted should be able to fit into any frame you wish buy off the shelf or custom make.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Continuing my education

Do you know when your last photographer attends a class or seminar for photography? Not sure? Continuing the learning process is vital to stay on top of the game no matter what you do in life. Teachers at your children’s school attend meeting and classes periodically, doctors, nurses, just about anything you can name has some way of continuing their education in their craft. I too am continuing my education in photography as well.
Last night I attended a seminar given by Ed Pierce called Captivated By The Light. Ed Pierce is a portrait photographer of 33 year and has produced many DVD’s on this subject. Ed has also come up with a disk set that helps calibrate your digital camera’s exposure. It is not a disk that you put in to a computer but rather you put in front of the camera and take a reading from it. The disk has a black, neutral grey and white stripe. I know it looks weird but believe me once you get the exposure correctly calibrated then the work in front of the computer after the session become so much easier and quicker. I love all my session and I could spend a lot of time creating cool effects in Photoshop, but you must have a good solid exposure to start with. If you don’t have that solid balanced photo to start with then you spend a lot of time cleaning each photo which takes time away creativity.
Now most of the concepts he talked about was not new to me, just sort of forgotten. As a photographer I have over the years learned a lot from every session and mentor I have had. With all of that information to draw from, you can tend to forget the basics of light, posing, and exposures. It is beneficial for all, including the masters, to go back to the basics and relearn what they already know. I know that could sound boring, learning what you already know, but each teacher has their own style to bring to the class. When you attend Ed’s class you not only get the lighting lesion but you can see how each of his portraits was created. You see what lights he use and how he used them, or what reflectors was used on a location shoot. On top of this you can see how Ed works and his style come out in each portrait he creates.
So how does this benefit you as a customer? First it is great to get out of the studio and meet other photographers and talk shop. Second, the people I seek out to learn from are photographers that influence me and who I try to emulate with my portrait work. Third, an inspired photographer is a photographer that will be creative, energized and much happier to be around. As far as my continuing education, I plan to continue attend at least one class a year. So on your next session ask me about the classes I attended for the year, and I will be more than happy to you all about them.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Is your wedding plans complete?

Have you thought of everything for your wedding?

That question, even for the most organized couple planning their wedding, can spark a bit of panic and or confusion. The list upon list of items like; photographer, reception hall, church and so forth have not listed this one thing that most couples often forget. It is the one item that may not be the most important thing but is a detail that will enhance the day. In fact it is the first activity that both bride and groom can do as couple that will be an exercise in working together. This activity could help build the skills in working together to move through what life throws your way. Not to mention with the running around meeting all the venders, this activity will bring the two of you together once a week in the same place. For most couples that are getting married and for the ones that are married, being together in the same place can be a hard thing to do. Have you guessed where this is heading?

I have attended many weddings both as a photographer and of a guest. In one particular wedding reception I attended I saw something that I had not seen before. The happy wedded couple had gone out on the dance floor and started to dance a familiar tick tock to the beat. This was not the interesting part in fact it was a very common dance step that I had seen at many first dances. No the interesting part is when the bride stopped, waved her finger at the groom, waited a beat or two and the couple had started a beautiful waltz for the rest of the song. To this day I have not seen anything like happen. Their first dance was not only the most memorable dance to them but to the rest of the people watching.

The one thing that most couples do not think of when planning a wedding is the first dance. Most couples go out on to the dance floor and climb in to each other’s arms and rock back and forth to the beat. First I would like to say I am not putting that down because before I learned to dance, tick tocking to the beat is what we did when my wife and I danced. To be honest my wife and I did not even dance on our wedding day. The reception was held in the basement of the church we got married in so there was not enough room to have a dance floor.

So why should we learn a dance for our special song on our wedding day? As a couple you have poured over all the small details to make this day the most memorable next to the birth of your child. You have hired a great photographer to capture the formal portraits as well as the candids. The dress, tucks, reception hall, cake, and dinner are all things you want to remember about this day. Why not the first dance? You have picked out the song that best sums up the feelings you have for each other, or perhaps it is the song you first kissed to. Whatever the reason you chose that song, you should have a dance that as a couple, will do with it for years to come. Brides; remember dreaming of that wedding day years back as a child? Each detail you have planned then is now unfolding right in front of your eyes. Now think, wasn’t there a dream of the first dance? Did it not go something like a waltz of an old Fred Astaire Grace Kelly movie? Why fall short now?

At the time you are planning your wedding is the perfect time you should find and enroll in a dance class. Most dance studios that teach classic ballroom dance have lesions structured for the couple that is soon to be wedded. They are simple short sessions that teach the basics of the dance you want to learn. Not sure what dance will go with your song? Don’t worry, bring your song in and the instructor will be able to tell you what dance will go with the song. I am sure you can even have your song played during your lesion.

So when your planning your wedding and you think you have everything covered just make sure you have down on your list “dance lesions.” It could be the one thing that make your wedding memorable for years to come. Oh and check out the dance club I go to. It is TC Dance Club: 219 Third Ave S.W. The number is 365-1275. Ken is a great instructor and you will have a lot of fun learning.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

To get the portraits you have always wanted: Part 2

What to do two weeks prior to your session.

Two weeks before an appointment you should get your hair cut. Never get it done the day before the portrait session. Why? If you get a bad hair cut two weeks before your portrait session you can at least grow some of it out and have it re-trimmed to salvage your look. You don’t want to look at the portraits and be reminded of the bad haircut you got. If you’re bringing the family pet then get them groomed as well. This is not a bad time to look over your wardrobe to see if what you have planned to wear is in good shape, washed or just to see if you have the right clothing. There is nothing worse than to look for your outfit the night before and find that it is too small, ratty or you really did not have it to begin with. Shopping for it may not be an alternative open to you because of time or availability of the outfit at the stores. Let family member that maybe joining you in on the plans for the portrait session.

What to do a week prior to your appointment.

If you have family members that are joining you in your portrait session then this is the best time to call them up and confirm the appointment time and place. You might think your nagging them but think of all the time you remember at the last minute of something planned for the next day. When you do talk to them see if they have everything ready for the portrait day and they need help, offer your services. Again all the effort prior to the portrait session will pay off in your in the final photographs. For your family this is a good time to get the final details checked off the list. Go over the clothing, hair, pets, and whatever your bringing to the portrait session.

What to do the day before the portrait session.

The day before the session make sure all the clothes are clean and pressed. Any family members meeting at the studio you are set with everything they need. If you’re bringing the family pet give them a bath the night before so they are clean and dry for the pictures. That night you should talk about the portraits that are going to be taken over the family’s favorite dinner. By doing this you are helping set the stage for a stress free next day. Going to bed early is the final thing for the day. Get your rest so that all of you do not look like you have not had a good night sleep in years. Digital enhancements are great to take dark circles out of eyes but it can be expensive.

The Morning of the portrait session has arrived.

The day has arrived, finally. First and foremost keep the mood light hearted at all cost. Do not get upset at the small details because that anger will snowball to a yelling match that will carry over to the portrait session. Get everyone up a little early if your appointment is in the morning. With everyone trying to get ready for the portrait session, starting early will help avoid some arguments over bathroom space. For breakfast you may just have something quick and have brunch after the appointment. Again if your bringing a dog or cat makes sure they do their business before arriving at the studio. Before you leave make sure you have all your outfits with you, call any family members that are meeting you and tell them you are on the way. And lastly, hop in the car, put on some groovy tunes on and head to the studio or location of the session with plenty of time to spare.
Wow it does sound like a lot of work and it is, but if you want outstanding portraits you should go to any measure necessary to achieve this. Your portrait photographer is responsible for the things they can control in the studio or location. Such as lighting, poses, exposures and final product. You are responsible for all the rest. Once you get the chance to look over your proofs you will then see that it was all worth wile.

So here is a quick recap.

Research for the photographer that best fits you. By doing this it will increase the likelihood of achieving the look of the portrait you want.
Interview photographers. You might love their work but you may not get along or see eye to eye on your portraits
Set a consultation appointment. Once you have a photographer, don’t keep them in the dark about what you want in your portraits.
Two weeks before the appointment let everyone know the plans for the portrait session, get haircuts, groom the pets, and get your outfits.
A week before the appointment, get tie up any loose ends and finalize your plans with everyone.
The day and night before will be spent washing pressing clothes, bathing and grooming pets, checking in with family members, and relax.
The day of get ready and have fun with your portrait session.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

To get the portraits you have always wanted: Part 1

Today is the day of the big portrait session you had set up three weeks ago. The appointment you had spent days prior coordinating a date that will work with everyone’s schedule. The appointment that you called around to find a photographer that had that day open for your session. The appointment that is now falling apart right in front of your eyes despite all preparation, effort and time to making it perfect. Is this what typically happens to you? Well don’t feel bad you are not the only one this situation.
Most appointments go well and for the most part you get portraits that you are happy with. What people fail to see is the possibilities of what their portrait session could be? For the most part it is left up to the portrait photographer to come up with the ideas on the day of the portrait session. I would say that most portrait photographer can come up with good ideas for the portraits that make them special. With a little planning on the customer’s part along with the consultation of the photographer you can work out a portrait session which results in not only great portrait, but heirlooms.
When I found out that my father had an upcoming surgery my wife and I got both our parents together and had a big family portrait done. We did not put much thought beyond having our parents together with my wife, son and me in one portrait. We also had my son photographed with both sets of grandparents, my wife’s parents and mine. And lastly my family got a portrait done. The session went very well and was excited to see them. While we were waiting for the portraits to be proofed, my father had his surgery and all come out well. A few weeks later the unexpected happened, my wife’s mother died suddenly. This hit everyone hard but most of all my wife and her step-father. It was great we had the portraits taken because if we had waited any later we would have missed our opportunity forever. I do wish we had given a little more thought beyond the generic groupings we reflexively had done. I think that my wife would have liked a portrait with her mom and one my son, mom and herself.
What do you need to do before you book that appointment?
You need to research, research and research. Like searching for the right car, you must pour over websites, portfolios and recommendations of others in order to find the right photographer for you. By looking at the websites you will start to know what styles of photography you like and the styles you don’t. Once you have two or three photographers you like, call and interview them. I know that sound odd to interview a photographer, but it is important to the success of the sitting. Some questions you may ask is about how long are their setting? How do they handle problems that could apply to your sitting? Do they allow pets? How do they handle reschedules or missed appointments? Ask them too if they have consultations prior to the settings? How they choose what portraits to digitally enhance? Ask them about their proofing method. Are the proofs on the web, in their studio or are you handed a book to look through? Whatever their method of showing you the proofs a good photographer will also sit down with you and explain all the possibilities for your portraits. Ask them anything and everything that could apply to your session. Also tell them what you are looking for in your session. This open conversation will give you an idea of who the photographer is and how far they will go to make your portrait session special.
Once you have found a photographer you like book a consultation to talk about your portrait session. I cannot stress how important this is in order to get the portraits you are looking for. Prior to going into the consultation make a list of ideas that make your family unique. Maybe the family are big Iowa fans or root for the Packers. Maybe you are NASCAR fans or love to line dance. Remember any ideas that you come up with the photographer should be able to build off that and come up with a portrait session that fits your family. Need ideas? Again look at the photographer’s website. If the photographer has been around for many years there should be some good portraits that spark inspiration in to your session. After a good consultation where ideas are worked out, clothing and location has been chosen, and then the appointment will be set.

Monday, February 25, 2008


Welcome to my blog. My blog is an extension of my website which is my portrait business. I am using this blog to keep you up to date on the new products and services I have as well as comments on my favorite portraits and setting. This blog is really a good way for you to get to know me as a photographer. So, I guess I will give you a little bit about me to get started.

As you already know I am a portrait photographer. I a married and have a son. I am a political junky and love to ride my mountain bike when I can. I have been commuting to work when it is not too snowy or cold, throughout the winter. I started commuting to work by bike back in May of 2007. So far this winter had gone well until the January and February months when it got too cold and too much snow. I don't mind the deep snow on the trails but in order to get to the trails I have to ride 2nd and 3rd ave. I do not have to tell you if you have traveled them in the past few months that they are scary in a car, not to mention on a bike.

I broke into portrait photography when I graduated college and started to work for Expressly Portraits, which is now the Picture People. The training was top notch and I came away learning a lot. I learned the basics in posing, how to be creative with limitations, to be quick and decisive. I moved from there to Linn Photo where I took over the portrait photography position. This is where I got to move my lights around, join Professional Photographers of Iowa, and photograph weddings.

I moved on to a position of a publishing company. Things were not working out at Linn Photo as I had hoped and with the demands of family a 9 to 5 job fit better in my life. But with changes comes new experiences and thus started my training on Adobe Photoshop. I started on version 4 and now I am up to CS2. The trip has been fun and I have learned a lot from my training at the publishing company, other websites and blogs. After so many years at the publishing company and so many changes I started to miss the portrait photography so a year ago I started DG Photography. I still work at the publishing company but I hope to soon change that to working full time at my own business.
So Check out my site and keep your eye on this blog and I hope I can informed and entertained on this site as well as be your next photographer